

Mathematics is the study of number, shape, space, quantities and other abstract concepts.

It is an interconnected subject that enables pupils to make rich connections across mathematical ideas to develop fluency, mathematical reasoning and competence in solving increasingly sophisticated problems. Mathematical knowledge should inturn be successfully applied to science and other subjects.


Mathematics is important in everyday life and, with this is mind, the purpose of Mathematics at Skinners’ Kent Primary School is to teach a rich, balanced and progressive curriculum that allows children to better make sense of the world around them through making connections between mathematics and everyday life.

Early Years

In Early Years we aim is to ensure all children develop firm mathematical foudations in a way that is engaging, and appropriate for their age. By focusing on the following six key areas:

  • Cardinality and Counting
  • Comparions
  • Compostion
  • Pattern
  • Shape and Space
  • Measures

Children’s early mathematical learning encourages a solid understanding of basic mathematical principles that can be further built on as they progress through their primary education.

Key Stage 1 and Key Stage 2

In Key Stage 1 and Key Stage 2, our intent is to develop pupils’ ability to solve problems, to reason, to think logically and to work systematically and accurately. All children are challenged and encouraged to excel in Maths. New mathematical concepts are introduced using a ‘Concrete, Pictorial and Abstract’ approach; enabling all children to experience hands-on learning when discovering new mathematical topics, and allowing them to have clear models and images to aid their understanding.
Arithmetic and basic maths skills are practised daily to ensure key mathematical ideas are embedded and children can recall this information to see the links between mathematical topics and across other curriculum subjects. The structure of the mathematics curriculum in the school shows clear progression in line with age-related expectations. Teaching curriculum content in blocks allows children to explore skills and understanding in depth and feel secure with subject matter. Key knowledge and skills are also revisited regularly allowing repetition to embed learning. We aim to ensure that mathematics is a high profile subject which children view positively and with a ‘can do’ attitude.


  • In EYFS, pupils follow the NCETM ‘Mastering Number Programme’ to nurture the development of solid number sense, including, fluencey and flexibitiy with number facts.
  • In Key Stage 1 and Key Stage 2 curriculum maps are based on the yearly overviews set out in the White Rose scheme of work.
  • Through structuring the curriculum in blocks and following the small steps progression sequence of the White Rose scheme of work children are able to get to grips with different areas of maths over extended periods of time.
  • Basic maths skills are taught daily; focussing on key mathematical skills including place value, the four operations and fractions.
  • A range of reasoning resources are used to challenge all children and give them the opportunity to explore and explain their learning.
  • Maths pre-teaching and post lesson interventions are used to support children to ensure children are ready for their next Maths lesson.
  • Children are taught through targeted differentiated small group and mixed ability whole class lessons.
  • Lessons use a Concrete, Pictorial and Abstract approach to guide children through their understanding of mathematical processes.
  • Revise and Review consolidation lessons are used to revisit previous learning and ensure Maths skills are embedded.
  • Teachers also implement the schools agreed calculation policies for progression in written and mental calculations.
  • A combination of unit assessments along with termly assessments help teachers to gather an overview of their pupil’s existing and developing knowledge and skills.
  • Correct mathematical vocabulary is used by all teachers and this is discussed with and explained to children who are then encouraged to use it independently when talking about maths.
  • Vocabulary is displayed clearly on working walls and is referred to in every lesson.
  • Where possible, links are made with other subjects across the curriculum and this is routinely discussed as part of maths learning.


As a result of our Maths teaching at Skinners’ Kent Primary School you will see:

  • Engaged children who are all challenged learning in an environment where they can investigate and ask questions and know that it is reasonable to make mistakes because this can strengthen their learning through the journey to finding an answer.
  • Confident children who are able to talk about Maths and their learning and the links between mathematical topics.
  • Lessons that use a variety of resources to support learning and model different representations of mathematical concepts.
  • Learning that is tracked and monitored to ensure all children make good progress.
  • Maths books that evidence work of a high standard; of which children clearly take pride with the components of the teaching sequences demonstrating good coverage of fluency, reasoning and problem solving.
  • Feedback that supports children to strive to be the best mathematicians they can be.

Calculation Guidance

As part of our Maths curriculum, we use the suggested White Rose calculation policy as guidance to help support the children with the different strategies that they learn for addition, subtraction, multiplication and division.

We understand the need for the children to develop their mathematical understanding rather than an over reliance on procedures. This guidance helps to provide the children with a range of methods that will provide them with the flexibility of thinking to help them tackle problem solving questions in a manner of different ways rather than relying on one formal method e.g. column addition or subtraction etc.

Year 1 Maths CurriculumYear 2 Maths CurriculumYear 3 Maths CurriculumYear 4 Maths CurriculumYear 5 Maths CurriculumYear 6 Maths Curriculum

Addition and Subtraction Calculation Policy

Multiplication and Division Calculation Policy

Progression of Times Tables at SKPS

Ready to Progress Guidance

Maths Vocabulary List: Reception to Year 6