Items marked with a * are only available from our uniform supplier, Monkhouse
Compulsory - All Terms
- Blazer - Black trimmed with SKPS logo*
- Sleeveless jumper or long sleeve jumper - Red (with black inset neck band)*
- Trousers, skirt or pinafore dress - Grey - all year groups or (Tartan Skinners’ skirt* - Years 5 & 6 only)
- Shirt, button to neck - White (long or short sleeved)
- Socks - Plain grey (ankle or knee-length)
- Tights - Plain grey (Leggings are not permissible)
- Shoes - Plain black (school style)
- Hair accessories - For example, Alice bands, clips, scrunchies or beads – red or black
Compulsory - Terms 2-4
- Tie - Black/red bold striped*
Recommended – All Terms
- Coat - Any colour, suitable for the weather or (black fleece-lined with SKPS logo*)
- Rucksack - Plain red or (red with SKPS logo - small or large size)*
Optional Winter Accessories
- Scarf
- Gloves
- Hat
- Ear Muffs
Optional Summer, Terms 1, 5 and 6
- Shorts - Grey, formal style
- Summer dress - Red classic gingham summer dress from high street retailers, to be worn with SKPS long sleeve or sleeveless jumper* and SKPS blazer*
- Socks - Plain white, ankle or knee-length, no trainer socks. Small red bow or red frill is permitted
- Rain-mac/cagoule
- Summer hat (compulsory in hot weather)
PE Kit
Compulsory PE Kit - All Terms
- T-shirt - Plain red or (red with SKPS logo*)
- Shorts - Plain black or (black with SKPS logo*)
- PE Bag - Plain red or (red with SKPS logo*)
- Plimsolls – Plain black, slip-on or velcro or optional below
Optional PE Kit
- Trainers - Black or white, suitable for outdoor use
- Joggers - Plain black or (black with SKPS logo*)
- Sweatshirt - Plain red or plain black or (red with SKPS logo*)
What to bring to school
- Rucksack (pencil cases and stationery are not required unless specified for your child’s year group).
- Water bottle with drinking cap (water only, please note that squash and other drinks are not permitted).
- Spare clothes in case of an accident (EYFS only and if required in other year groups)
- Healthy morning snack (raw fruit or veg, please note that nuts are not permitted as some pupils and staff may have an allergy).
- PE kit (for Reception Class pupils, from Term 3).
- Warm coat, hats, gloves on cold/wet days, summer hat in hot weather.
- On sunny days, please apply a once a day sunscreen to your child before they arrive in school.
Second-hand uniform shop
Pre-loved donated uniform items are for sale from the school office between 9am and 3pm term time only. Parents are welcome to come along and see what sizes are in stock (we do not take requests by email). Payment is cash only.
Our Expectations
- Pupils are expected to be of a smart and presentable appearance at all times.
- Only small decorative attachments are to be worn in the hair (permissible items listed below).
- Long hair (below shoulder length) should be tied up away from the face, i.e. pony tail, plait etc to ensure health and safety during the school day. Hair accessories (i.e. Alice bands, clips, scrunchies or beads) should be red or black
- Hair should be own natural colour only, no extreme or unkempt hairstyles or shaved patterns are allowed.
- Shoes must be plain black and of sensible style. Velcro fasteners are recommended until a pupil can confidently tie laces. Black trainers, boots or canvas shoes are not allowed.
- No ornamented/coloured/novelty caps or hats.
- No jewellery (except one wristwatch and one small plain gold or silver stud earring in each ear).
- No coloured nail polish or temporary tattoos.
- All items of uniform should be clearly marked or labelled with the pupil’s full name, please show your child where their name is so that they know where to check to see if an item belongs to them.